Author Archives: The Change Doctor

About The Change Doctor

Personal/Life Coach - Business Communications and Organizational Development Consultant... and Person who believes Life is Short - It Up To Us to Make the MOST of IT!

Happiness Creation Tip #1


BE YOUR TRUE SELF. – Trying to be anyone else is a waste of the person you are. Be yourself. Living openly as your TRUE YOU is powerful…Embrace that individual inside you that has different ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else. Uniqueness is magical -and magical beings can accomplish anything.

Rock on my mythical creatures, rock on!

Summer…A Time to Appreciate Freedoms


Summer…Alas you are HERE! After relaxing on a friend’s sailboat over the glorious July 4th weekend; I could not help but think of (and be grateful for) ALL the many freedoms WE ALL and I am able to enjoy.

However, do we acknowledge these freedoms enough? Do we cherish them?

John Adams stated, “Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” back in 1787.

I fear we have not remembered this…For our Independence Day has been reduced to BBQs and fireworks. If you ask a visitor to Washington DC during this week the WHATs and WHENs of July 4th and America’s independence – barely HALF offer any concrete or correct answers.

So ask I each of YOU…not just in July, but every month to remember – ALL our freedoms large and small were paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of those who came before us.

Wishing you peace, prosperity, health and continued Freedom to live your life as you see fit…and please add a daily dose of gratitude for those who sacrifice and those in the world who as you read this are fighting their own fight to gain theirs.

freedom flag



Fall into Your New Life


It’s official…now that we have turned back the clocks – What will you do with your gift of “extra” time?

Yes, I know it’s not really more time – but for the next few days your body will FEEL like its more! So don’t waste it. Use this precious time to work on your dreams…they are waiting.

Need a partner in your transformation?
Find me @


A good read – Daring Greatly


“Don’t try to win over the haters; you are not a jackass whisperer.”
― Brené Brown, Daring Greatly

I literally laughed out LOUD when I read this. So TRUE how we often spend time and valuable energy trying to “win” approval of others – the haters – the jackasses. Don’t try to major in jackass whispering.

Happy transformation,

Find Your Lincoln Resolve


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
– Abraham Lincoln

President Lincoln had many reasons to give up in despair. Certainly, there were easier paths presented to him along his journey to fulfilling his destiny. For each of us as we begin down our path to keep our New Year’s Resolutions, we must remember that whatever our resolution was – it cannot be such a burden, that we would put it down.

Remember WHY you chose this goal in the first place…

Visualize yourself accomplishing the first TINY step or action…

If you can imagine yourself there; at that moment in time when you have acheived it – YOU HAVE THE RESOLVE TO DO IT!




An Ancient Wisdom Guides Us to a Healthier & Happier New Year


Dinacharya is the Sanskrit word for daily routine, ‘Din’ means day and ‘charya’ means to
follow or close to.  The daily routine recommends good hygiene, moderate exercise,
healthy diet, efficient elimination of wastes and a positive mental 

Try a little positivity…It goes a long way towards reaching your goals.

Peace and Health,